We are proud to announce the news: we have obtained the Green Key environmental/sustainability mark - for installations.
The management and employees of Saša Apartments and Rooms made a decision some time ago to upgrade our existing GREEN POLICY, to also formally incorporate it into our operations and to check our sustainable operations through international standards, namely in a way to implement or we are checked through the certification process to obtain a sustainable GREEN KEY certificate - for installations.
We decided on the Green Key because the mentioned environmental/sustainability mark represents a leading standard of excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation in the tourism industry. This prestigious environmental mark signifies the commitment of companies to comply with the strict criteria set by the International Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in certified establishments. The Green Key environmental/sustainability label guarantees all guests that by choosing a certified tourist facility, they directly contribute to the protection of the environment. By obtaining the above-mentioned mark in our plant, we also undertook to maintain high environmental/sustainability standards, just like other bearers of the mark, which we will prove with the required documentation or through control checks.
The Green Key program places great emphasis on informing/awareness and involving visitors and all other stakeholders in sustainable and more environmentally friendly measures, which we will implement even more actively and enthusiastically in the plant after obtaining the sign. We also guarantee that our staff will be well-informed and properly trained in the field of environmentally friendly and sustainable practices and that together we will constantly look for new - sustainable - ways of doing business and using technology, with the aim of reducing the consumption of resources or responsible behavior sources, reduced the impact on the environment and business costs.
In the process of obtaining the mark, we also signed the Green Policy - Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism (ZSST) and fulfilled the Green Key criteria for accommodations covering 13 areas, namely
The housekeeping staff is familiar with the procedures for changing towels and bed linen and follows them.
Staff involvement
The permanent environmental policy document can be found at the reception.
Environmental man
In the House Rules you will find all the information you need during your stay in our accommodation
Informing guests
Our water is clean and suitable for drinking from the tap. Our greens are supplied with rainwater.
The accommodation has become self-sufficient with a built-in solar power plant. With our system, we make sure that you always have a pleasant climate.
Information about the standard linen change procedure is available in the rooms.
Just scan the QR code.
Washing and cleaning
We separate at the plant. Mixed waste, recycling, biological waste, glass. I ask guests to keep their distance.
At least 75% of paper products and promotional printed materials procured at the plant have a recognized environmental label.
Smoking is allowed on the balconies and terrace. All units are intended for non-smokers as well as common areas of accommodation.
Indoor environment
The plant implements initiatives to protect and maintain local biodiversity in its area.
Green surfaces
Guests/visitors are provided with information about nearby parks, scenery and conservation areas.
Activities in nature
We respect national and international legislation, including the areas of the environment and occupational health and safety
Corporate Social Responsibility